Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Episode 47- Recap 2010 (Part 1)

2010. What a rollercoaster year it had been.

Yup, I was in that rollercoaster and indeed it was one heck of a ride. There were so many ups and downs throughout 2010 and I believe that there will be more waiting for me in the future.

Recapping back those events happened throughout 2010 is definitely not an easy task as there were so alot to recall. During that process, I somehow reflected back my actions and I felt that I am still far from maturing into an adult.

Several classmates of mine often teased me ‘gina’. I knew that what they said were just for laughs, but as I think about it I sometimes do deserve to be called that. Maybe its because the way I communicate (I often insert unnecessary jokes, making the conversation looked childish) or the actions that I did. (no doubt that I am a very playful guy) Or maybe its because of my FACE? LOL. I seriously hoped that its not the last one.

In 5 months time, I am gonna be 20, meaning that I’ll no longer be a teenager anymore but a man that is ready to step out from the comfort zone. In order to do that, I must first change my personality, the way I speak, the way I dress, the way I act, everything. It is only then I can be a respectable man. And I certainly don’t want others to call me a ‘kid’ in the future.

Therefore, my resolution for 2011 is transform to myself from a playful good for nothing kid to a MATURE young guy that is ready to take on the world. And I am gonna start off with this piece of writing...

Recap 2010 will continue in the next episode!!


chan leong said...

good luck with your resolution...

LeongFM said...

chan leong: ehem.

son, may u have a brand new exciting life this year =)