Mid-year exams just over. Somehow, this indicates that the ‘real thing’ is getting closer. Trials is only 2-3 months away, in August I think (correct me if I am wrong).
My mid-year exams?? I screwed up my ACC (again!!!) and PA paper. Econ and Business were just fine.
I was so caught up with work these few months that I almost lost interest in blogging. The number of posts in my blog archive had been slowly decreasing from year to year.
A lot of events happened this past few months. So I would to take this opportunity to tell you guys how I’ve been doing so far.
Without further ado, let’s check out these events.
1. Photo-session!!!
You would not believe me if I told you this. There was this period of time where a few classmates of mine (including me) started to bring cameras to school. It lasted about 2 weeks and the surprise is, we managed to bring without being caugt!!!
This is all thanks to Yew Cheong. Afterall, he was the Student Affair Prefect. He is the one conducts all the spot checks. So… well you know what am I talking right???
Having fun in class. The girl u see was indeed a scary girl.
Kena bully
My classmates.From left:Chee Han, Shu Chen and Natasha
Like the scene in a soap opera
Nixon ponten-ing
Go here if you want see the full album
We had our MUET practice during that 2 weeks as well. Mr.Koay, our MUET teacher told us that this practice served as a purpose to help us to get used to the situation of talking among when the real exam come.
Our MUET exam was divided into 2. The first one was in April and the other was in May. The exam in April comprises all the sections (writing,reading and listening) minus the speaking, which will be carried out in May.
Here are some of our MUET practise pics...
This guy har.. although gt speaking practice also, he can take so easily 1. Lol
(to be continued)